Recently Updated Pages

Working with Google Limited Ads

Note: Please note that the Google Ad Manager supports a feature called Technical ad delivery. In ...

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Please note: If you want to deliver the consentmanager code via GTM, only the manual blocking cod...

[iOS] 2. Working with ATT (App Tracking Transparency / iOS)

Since iOS 14 Apple introduced the Apple Tracking Transparency framework, which requires that ever...

Custom HTML-code

For each design you can add custom HTML-code. The HTML-code can be used in order to further custo...


The CMP supports various JavaScript APIs in order to allow websites to retriev...

SDK Version Overview & Changelog

iOS SDK Version Overview Version Release Date 1.100.5 2024.04.09 1.100.4 2024-03-13 ...

[Android] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

The consentmanager SDK for Android apps implements and provides functionality to inform the user ...

[ReactNative] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

CMP SDK is a React Native library that facilitates the management of user consent for data proces...

[Flutter] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

Installing Run this command: With Flutter: flutter pub add cmp_sdk This will add a line like ...

[Unity] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

The Consent Management Platform (CMP) Unity Plugin allows you to easily integrate Consent Managem...

[iOS] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

The consentmanager SDK for iOS apps implements and provides functionality to inform the user abou...

[Android] 2. API Documentation

Constructor Constructor for creating a CmpManager object Parameters Name Type Descripti...

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