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Custom HTML-code

For each design you can add custom HTML-code. The HTML-code can be used in order to further custo...


The CMP supports various JavaScript APIs in order to allow websites to retriev...

SDK Version Overview & Changelog

iOS SDK Version Overview Version Release Date 1.100.5 2024.04.09 1.100.4 2024-03-13 ...

[Android] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

The consentmanager SDK for Android apps implements and provides functionality to inform the user ...

[ReactNative] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

CMP SDK is a React Native library that facilitates the management of user consent for data proces...

[Flutter] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

Installing Run this command: With Flutter: flutter pub add cmp_sdk This will add a line like ...

[Unity] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

The Consent Management Platform (CMP) Unity Plugin allows you to easily integrate Consent Managem...

[iOS] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

The consentmanager SDK for iOS apps implements and provides functionality to inform the user abou...

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Please note: If you want to deliver the consentmanager code via GTM, only the manual blocking cod...

Working with Google Limited Ads

Note: Please note that the Google Ad Manager supports a feature called Technical ad delivery. In ...

[Android] 2. API Documentation

Constructor Constructor for creating a CmpManager object Parameters Name Type Descripti...

Working with Google Consent Mode

If enabled, the CMP will send additional consent information to GTM, Google Ads and Google Analyt...

Working with Google Consent Mode v2 + Manual/Semiautomatic Blocking Code

The Google Consent Mode differentiates between two modes: Basic Implementation and Advanced Imple...

[Unity] 2. API Documentation

Initialize Initializes the Consent Manager with the provided domain, code ID, app name, and lan...

Working with GTM + Google Consent Mode v2

The Google Tag Manager offers an integration of the Google Consent Mode v2 signals that can be us...

Google Consent Mode v2 Support for inApp SDKs

Since Version 2.1.0 in Android and Version 1.99.3 in iOS This guide provides instructions on how...

Working with Google Consent Mode v2 + Automatic Blocking Code

The Google Consent Mode differentiates between two modes: Basic Implementation and Advanced Imple...

How to integrate the CMP into a WordPress website?

In order to integrate your CMP into a WordPress website, you can use our WordPress plugin or inse...

Working with YouTube

If you are embedding YouTube videos in your website, you should ensure that these are blocked if ...

Cross-Device Consent Sharing

ConsentManager supports Cross-Device Consent Shareing. In order to share consent information acro...

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