Recently Updated Pages
How to integrate the CMP into a Shopware Shop?
-- Shopware versions 6.x -- Please note: Using the the automatic blocking code can cause issues ...
How to classify unknown cookies?
The Cookie Crawler will automatically classify cookies that are found on your ...
Supported Browser Versions
The CMP currently supports the following Browsers and min. Versions: Browser Version supporte...
How can I update my default payment method?
This guide will help you select the payment method you want to use to make payments on consentman...
Granting Support Access
In cases our support team needs to take a look at your account, we will ask you to grant support ...
How can I update my invoicing information?
Need to make some changes to your company information like address, or VAT number? You’re in the ...
How can I update my account's main settings?
In this guide you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to update your consentmanager account ...
How can I delete my account?
In order to delete your consentmanager account, please follow the steps below: Log into your c...
Google Tag Manager (GTM)
Please note: If you want to deliver the consentmanager code via GTM, only the manual blocking cod...
Compatibility Mode
consentmanager supports the Compatibility Mode in order to make it easier to switch from a differ...
How do I give multiple users access to the same consentmanager account with specific permissions?
Want to invite colleagues to collaborate on the same interface without the need to share your con...
Working with Consent Scopes / Cross Domain Consent
Consent Scopes allow you to define in which "area" a consent or rejection is valid. You can set t...
Working with SSO
Example: OAuth2 with Microsoft Azure Login to consentmanager and navigate to Account > Secur...
[iOS] 0. Migration Guide
This guide will help you migrate from the previous version of the CMP SDK to the current version....
SDK Version Overview & Changelog
iOS SDK Version Overview Version Release Date 2.5.4 2024-11-29 2.5.3 2024-09-06 2...
Working with Accessibility / WCAG
By default the consent layer is prepared to be accessible for screen readers and similar tools, b...
[Flutter] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
[iOS] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
Tealium Tag Manager / Tealium iQ
Please note: Only the manual blocking code can be delivered using a TagManager. If you want to us...
What are Purposes? What are Types?
By default the cookie list will show a type per cookie. Cookie types are NOT the same as purposes...