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Integrating the CMP into an Android/iOS App

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

Integrating the CMP into an Android/iOS App

The CMP can be implemented into your app via different ways, this usually depends on how your app...

How to report technical errors

In order to report technical errors please do as follows: Give us details Try to replicate the ...

[Android] 2. API Documentation

The CMPManager class provides methods to manage user consent for data processing and tracking. Th...

[iOS] 2. API Documentation

The CMPManager class provides methods to manage user consent for data processing and tracking. Th...

Using the IAB GPP

In order to use the IAB GPP standard in your CMP, you will need to enable one of the underlaying ...

Google Consent Mode v2 Support for inApp SDKs

Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page....

[iOS] 4. Working with ATT (App Tracking Transparency / iOS)

Overview All new apps submitted to the App Store must comply with Apple's App Tracking Transpare...

[iOS] 4. Working with ATT (App Tracking Transparency / iOS)

Overview All new apps submitted to the App Store must comply with Apple's App Tracking Transpare...

[Android] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...

[iOS] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...

SDK Version Overview & Changelog

This version 3 has major breaking changes on all platforms in relation to v2.  Changelog iOS SDK...

Consent Log / Protocol / Audit trail

In order to provide proof that consent was given, we will save a protocol / consent log for all c...

[iOS] 2. Working with ATT (App Tracking Transparency / iOS)

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

[iOS] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

SDK Version Overview & Changelog

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

Frequently asked questions

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

Transparency and Consent Frameworks (IAB TCF, USPrivacy, Google AC)

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

Google Consent Mode v2 Support for inApp SDKs

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

[ReactNative] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

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