
Working with SSO

Example: OAuth2 with Microsoft Azure

  1. Login to consentmanager and navigate to Account > Security > Add new SSO
  2. Login to your Azure Portal (, click on Azure Active Directory > App registrations and add a new registration.
  3. Once the app is registered in Azure, click on the App > Endpoints and copy & paste the URLs into the consentmanager settings (Authorize URL and Token URL)
  4. From the app settings copy the Application (client) ID from Azure and paste it as OAuth key
  5. In the App click on client credentials and add a new client secret. Copy & paste the secret value (OAuth Secret) and secret id (OAuth Key) into consentmanager settings
  6. In consentmanager set the setting OAuth Scope to User.Read
  7. Save the new SSO
  8. In Azure go to Authentication > Add a plattform (Type: Web) and insert the URL as Redirect URI
  9. Navigate to consentmanager > Account > Users and assign the SSO to the corresponding users

Example: SAML SSO with Microsoft Azure

  1. Login to consentmanager and navigate to Account > Security > Add new SSO
  2. Login to your Azure Portal (, click on Azure Active Directory > App registrations and add a new registration.
  3. Once the app is registered in Azure, click on the App > Endpoints and copy & paste the URLs into the consentmanager settings (Forwarding URL and Metainfo URL)
  4. From the app settings copy the Application (client) ID from Azure and paste it as Entity ID
  5. Save the new SSO
  6. In Azure go to Authentication > Add a plattform (Type: Web) and insert the URL as Redirect URI
  7. Navigate to consentmanager > Account > Users and assign the SSO to the corresponding users

Example: SAML SSO with Microsoft Entra

  1. Login to Microsoft Entra (
  2. Go to Applications > Enterprise applications > New application > Create your own application

  3. Give the app a name, choose Non-gallery integration and click on Create
  4. Edit the app, go to Single sign-on and enable Single Sign-on via SAML

  5. Open a separate browser window and login to your consentmanager account and navigate to Menu > Account > Security and click on Add SSO

  6. Give the new SSO in consentmanager a name and save it. Click on Menu > Account > Security and edit the SSO you just created. Copy the SSO-ID from the URL

  7. Go back to Microsoft Entra and edit the settings under Basic SAML Configuration:
    1. Identifier (Entity ID): Give it a unique name, e.g. "consentmanager". Use the same name in the consentmanager settings (see below)
    2. Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL): where XX is the ID of the SSO in consentmanager (see step above)
  8. Go back to consentmanager and edit the SSO settings:
    1. SSO Type: SAML
    2. SAML Forwarding URL: From Microsoft Entra > Enterprise Applications > Your application > Single Sign-on > Login URL
    3. SAML Certificate: From Microsoft Entra > Enterprise Applications > Your application > Single Sign-on > Download the Certificate (Base64) file and open the file in a Text Editor (e.g. Note), Copy & Paste the Certificate text to consentmanager.
    4. SAML Entity ID: Give it a unique name, e.g. "consentmanager". Use the same Name/ID also in Microsoft Entra > Enterprise Applications > Your application > Single Sign-on > Identifier (Entity ID)
    5. SAML Issuer: From Microsoft Entra > Enterprise Applications > Your application > Single Sign-on > Microsoft Entra Identifier
    6. SAML Metainfo URL: From Microsoft Entra > Enterprise Applications > Your application > Single Sign-on > App Federation Metadata Url
    7. SAML Metainfo Text: Leave it empty

  9. In Microsoft Entra, go to Users and groups and add users and/or groups to the application.
  10. In consentmanager, go to Account > Users and create users. Ensure to use the same Username as used in Microsoft Entra
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