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This section will help you integrating & customizing the CMP for your website or app.
First steps
First steps / What to do?
In order to use the ConsentManager CMP and become GDPR and/or CCPA compliant with your website yo...
Understanding Account structure, Vendors, Purposes and Cookies
In ConsentManager you will find different entities that you can create, enable, select and assign...
1. Create an Account
In order to start with your Consent Managemet Platform, you first need to get an account. If you ...
2. Login
In order to start, please visit In the right top corner you will find the...
3. Create a CMP
In order to get the CMP integrated into your website, you first need to setup at least one CMP in...
4. Configuring vendors and cookies
Once the CMP is created you will need to add vendors and cookies to it. If you were using the Wiz...
5. Create your own Design & Texts
This step is optional. We already created some default designs for you that can be used. If you...
6. Integrating the Code
Once you created a CMP, you will get the corresponding CMP-Code from the menu Get Code. You will...
7. Blocking Third-Party Codes and Cookies
In order to be compliant with GDPR or CCPA it is necessary that the CMP can block codes if no con...
8. Update your Privacy Policy
As a last step you should ensure that your privacy policy is up to date. This should include: M...
9. Best Practices: Go Live
In order to go live with the CMP on your website(s) there are some steps that we recommend as bes...
Further customization of the CMP / Custom CSS
All HTML elements of the CMP screen output can be further customized by using CSS on your website...
What are Purposes? What are Types?
By default the cookie list will show a type per cookie. Cookie types are NOT the same as purposes...
Whitelisting & Blacklisting Domains
In order to use the CMP-Code on a website or app, the website's domain or the app's name need to...
Granting Support Access
In cases our support team needs to take a look at your account, we will ask you to grant support ...
Integration into your Website
Standard Integration
In order to integrate the CMP code into your website, please login to your acc...
Using a synchronous CMP code
This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please do not use this code version...
Using the CMP with AMP websites
Integrating the cookie consent / CMP into your AMP Website Please note: For AMP websites automat...
How to block third-party codes & cookies if no consent is given?
Automatic vs. Manual Blocking ConsentManager offers manual and automatic Blocking of Codes and C...
Manually opening / resurfaceing the consent layer
In order to allow users to later change their choices the CMP usually shows a preference-button (...
Using the CMP with prebid.js
In order to use the CMP with prebid.js you need to build prebid.js in version 1.0 or above (versi...
Inserting a CCPA "Do not sell my personal information" link into your website
Under CCPA you should add a link named "Do not sell my personal information" to your website. The...
Implementation via Google Integrated CMP Partner
consentmanager is among a few of CMPs that have been chosen by Google to be an integrated CMP par...
Integration into your App
Integrating the CMP into an Android/iOS App
The CMP can be implemented into your app via different ways, this usually depends on how your app...
Integrating the CMP into a CTV/HbbTV App
The CMP can be implemented into CTV (connected TV or SmartTV) apps and HbbTV environments using t...
Combining native and web content in an app
In many cases an mobile app consists of a native part (e.g. written in Java or Kotlin or C++ and ...
Debugging: How to debug the App SDK
Android Logging When using our Android SDK, you may need to debug or analyze log information f...
[iOS] 0. Migration Guide
2.5.3 Deprecated Class Class Name: CMPConsentTool Status: Deprecated Note: The CMPConsen...
[iOS] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
[iOS] 2. Working with ATT (App Tracking Transparency / iOS)
Since iOS 14 Apple introduced the Apple Tracking Transparency framework, which requires that ever...
[iOS] 3. API Documentation
acceptAll Accepts the consent layer and behaves the same when the user accepts the consent. This...
[iOS] 4. Apple Privacy Manifest
From 01 May 2024 on, Apple will require app publishers to add a "privacy manifest" to each app th...
[Android] 0. Migration Guide
Version 1.7.33 Migration Guide to New SDK Repository The SDK repository has been moved to the o...
[Android] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
We have updated our SDK. Please use the SDK v3:
[Android] 2. API Documentation
acceptAll Accepts the consent layer and behaves the same when the user accepts the consent. This...
[Unity] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
[Unity] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration On this document, you'll find general information on h...
[Unity] 2. API Documentation
AddEventListeners Sets Android-specific callbacks for CMP events. Example _cmpManager.AddEvent...
[Flutter] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
[ReactNative] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
Google Consent Mode v2 Support for inApp SDKs
Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page....
Transparency and Consent Frameworks (IAB TCF, USPrivacy, Google AC)
Access to the Consent Values The SDK will set the shared preferences values for IAB TCF v1, IAB...
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the difference between cmpNotOpenedCallback and onErrorCallback? cmpNotOpenedCallb...
SDK Version Overview & Changelog
iOS SDK Version Overview Version Release Date 2.5.4 2024-11-29 2.5.3 2024-09-06 2...
Integration into your App - v3
Integrating the CMP into an Android/iOS App
The CMP can be implemented into your app via different ways, this usually depends on how your app...
Integrating the CMP into a CTV/HbbTV App
The CMP can be implemented into CTV (connected TV or SmartTV) apps and HbbTV environments using t...
Combining native and web content in an app
In many cases an mobile app consists of a native part (e.g. written in Java or Kotlin or C++ and ...
Debugging: How to debug the CMP SDK
Logging When using our Android SDK, you may need to debug or analyze log information for vari...
[iOS] 0. Migration Guide
This guide will help you migrate from the previous version of the CMP SDK to the current version....
[iOS] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
[iOS] 2. API Documentation
The CMPManager class provides methods to manage user consent for data processing and tracking. Th...
[iOS] 3. Apple Privacy Manifest
From 01 May 2024 on, Apple will require app publishers to add a "privacy manifest" to each app th...
[Android] 0. Migration Guide
This guide will help you migrate from the previous version of the CMP SDK to the current version....
[Android] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
[Android] 2. API Documentation
The CMPManager class provides methods to manage user consent for data processing and tracking. Th...
[ReactNative] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
[Flutter] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
[Unity] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does calling any of the methods like checkIfConsentIsRequired or checkWithServerAndOpenIfNeces...
Transparency and Consent Frameworks (IAB TCF)
Access to the Consent Values The SDK will set the shared preferences values for IAB TCF v1 and ...
SDK Version Overview & Changelog
This version 3 has major breaking changes on all platforms in relation to v2. Changelog iOS SDK...
Integration via Tag Management Software
Google Tag Manager (GTM)
Please note: If you want to deliver the consentmanager code via GTM, only the manual blocking cod...
Tealium Tag Manager / Tealium iQ
Please note: Only the manual blocking code can be delivered using a TagManager. If you want to us...
Adobe Tag Manager / Adobe Experience Cloud / Dynamic Tag Management
Please note: Only the manual blocking code can be delivered using a TagManager. If you want to us...
Integration via CMS or Shop-System
How to integrate the CMP into a GoDaddy/GoCentral page?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
How to integrate the CMP into a JTL Shop website?
Integration via JTL 4 & 5 plugin In your JTL 5 backend go to plugin manager -> Upload - ...
How to integrate the CMP into a Jimdo website or Jimdo Shop?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
How to integrate the CMP into a WordPress website?
In order to integrate your CMP into a WordPress website, you can use our WordPress plugin or inse...
How to integrate the CMP into a website?
Please note: We are really sorry but due to WiX internal, technical policy it is not possible for...
How to integrate the CMP into a Shopware Shop?
-- Shopware versions 6.x -- Please note: Using the the automatic blocking code can cause issues ...
How to integrate the CMP into a Builderall website?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
How to integrate the CMP into a Gambio Shop?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
How to integrate the CMP into a plentymarkets Shop?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
How to integrate the CMP into a Shopify Shop?
About the deprecation of Checkout Extensibility on Shopify: You probably are already aware about ...
How to integrate the CMP into a PrestaShop Shop?
Automatic Integration via PrestaShop PlugIn Please note: Automatic code blocking can cause prob...
How to integrate the CMP into a Magento Shop?
Please note: The plugin is designed for Magento 2 | Tested up to 2.4.6+ (PHP 8.2) In order to in...
How to integrate the CMP into a WooCommerce Shop?
In order to integrate the CMP-Code into a WooCommerce Shop please follow the same steps as for a ...
How to integrate the CMP into a Dream Robot Shop?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
How to integrate the CMP into a Lightspeed Shop?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
How to integrate the CMP into a Strato LivePages / ePages / Webshopnow website?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
How to integrate the CMP into a xt:commerce Shop?
In order to integrate your CMP into a xt:commerce website, please follow these steps: Install pl...
How to integrate the CMP into a modified Shop?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
How to integrate the CMP into an Oxid eShop?
Install with composer Plugin is tested for OXID v6.x & v7.x 1) Start your console and move ...
How to integrate the CMP into a Typo3 website?
Our plugin is tested for TYPO3 9.5 LTS, 10.4 LTS and 11.5.99 until now (08-07-2022). In order to...
How to integrate the CMP into a Drupal website?
Please note: The plugin is using automatic code blocking, this can cause problems with your websi...
How to integrate the CMP into a Joomla website?
Please note: Automatic code blocking can cause problems with your website. In order to integrat...
How to integrate the CMP into a osCommerce shop?
Please note: Automatic code blocking can cause problems with your website. In order to integrat...
How to integrate the CMP in an OpenCart shop?
Plugin is tested for OpenCart versions,,,,,, 3....
How to integrate the CMP into a modified eCommerce Shop?
In order to integrate your CMP into a modified eCommerce Shop, please follow these steps: Instal...
How to integrate the CMP into a Droptienda shop?
Integration Our colleagues from Droptienda developed a plugin integration.
How to integrate the CMP into Google Sites
Please note: Due to it's closed policies, it is not possible for us to support the automatic bloc...
Working with Age-Verification
The CMP allows to not only ask for consent but also to verify the age of the visitor by asking hi...
Working with multiple languages
The CMP supports multiple way on how to work with multiple languages. How language detection wor...
Working with Consent Scopes / Cross Domain Consent
Consent Scopes allow you to define in which "area" a consent or rejection is valid. You can set t...
Working with purposes
The purposes that are displayed in the consent layer can be changed in menu Purposes. You can def...
Working with A/B-Testing and Optimization
The CMP includes the option to perform A/B-Testing and Optimization of the cho...
Working with Legal Bases
The CMP allows you to set the legal basis per vendor and purpose. Depending on...
Working with Targetings
The CMP allows you to create targetings for each design. If you set a targeting, the design will ...
Working with whitelabeld domains
This feature is not included in all packages. Please consult your account manager in order to fin...
Working with contentpass Integration
Please note: The contentpass feature is not available in all packages. The consentmanager CMP ha...
Automatically deleting Cookies
Please note: We do not recommend to automatically delete all cookies because this can create issu...
Working with Two-Factor-Authentication
Two Factor Authentication or 2FA can be used in order to increase the security of your account. ...
Implementing a Pay-or-Accept (PUR) Model
Especially for news publishers a consent mode that allows the visitor to only choose between adve...
Working with SSO
Example: OAuth2 with Microsoft Azure Login to consentmanager and navigate to Account > Secur...
Working with international websites
In cases when companies target international audiences, the setup of the CMP can become complex. ...
Working with Sub-vendors / Sub-services
In cases when a vendor automatically loads other vendors, it may make sense to group these vendor...
Working with Staging and Live Environments
Staging allows you to separate between test (staging) and productive (live) version of your CMP. ...
Working with Notification Integrations
Notifications about new cookies, vendors and so on can be send either via E-Mail or to a Webhook ...
Working with Accessibility / WCAG
By default the consent layer is prepared to be accessible for screen readers and similar tools, b...
Introduction: Monitors
What is a Monitor? A Monitor is an automated process that will observe one or multiple website(s...
Manual crawls
Start a manual crawl In order to start a manual crawl, please navigate to Menu > Monitoring a...
Overview Report
The monitoring Overview Report will give you a quick overview on what has been found while the de...
Compliance Reports
For each monitor you will find 3 compliance reports under Menu > Monitoring: Cookies Report ...
SEO & Monetization Reports
For each monitor you will find 3 reports for SEO and Monetization reports under Menu > Monitor...
How to work with ...
Working with Google Consent Mode
If enabled, the CMP will send additional consent information to GTM, Google Ads and Google Analyt...
Working with Google Consent Mode v2 + Automatic Blocking Code
Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page....
Working with Google Consent Mode v2 + Manual/Semiautomatic Blocking Code
Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page....
Working with GTM + Google Consent Mode v2
Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page....
Working with Google Consent Mode + Google Analytics (GA4)
On this page we are collecting typical questions and answers for the use of Google Consent Mode v...
Working with Google Consent Mode / Additional Consent / TCF ...
Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page....
Working with Google Ad Manager
Please note: The below description affects Google Ad Manager, Google AdSense, Google AdMob and Go...
Working with Google Limited Ads
Note: Please note that the Google Ad Manager supports a feature called Technical ad delivery. In ...
Working with Google Adx (Google Approved Third Party Vendor List / ATP)
Important: The commands might be different depending on your CMP settings. See information in IAB...
Working with Google Analytics
Important: The commands might be different depending on your CMP settings. See information on IAB...
Working with Google Ads / AdSense
Please see here.
Working with Google Maps
If you are embedding Google Maps into your website, you can block the codes as follows. Original...
Working with Google reCAPTCHA
Unfortunately reCaptcha is causing many issues. In most cases the only working way is to exclude ...
Working with Google Fonts
What are Google Fonts? Fonts are files that contain the description how the browser can display ...
How to enable/disable personalized ads with Google GPT, DFP, Google Admanager or Google AdSense
Please note: Google Ad Manager, AdSense and other Google producs require consent for delivering a...
Working with Microsoft Advertising UET Consent Mode
The Microsoft UET Consent Mode is a way to signal consent to Microsoft tracking tools (ÙET / Univ...
Working with Facebook Pixels
If enabled in CMP settings, the CMP can automatically call Facebooks fbq function with the consen...
Working with AdRoll / NextRoll Pixel
If you are using AdRoll / NextRoll Pixel on your website, please follow these steps in order to e...
Working with HotJar
In order to let the CMP automatically block HotJar codes as long as no consent is given, please c...
Working with HubSpot
Due to recent court rulings we recommend to no longer use the below steps, but use a hard blockin...
Working with YouTube
If you are embedding YouTube videos in your website, you should ensure that these are blocked if ...
Working with Matomo/Piwik
In order to work with Matomo or Piwik here is an example on how to change the code in order to pr...
Working with Econda Tracking
The Econda Tracking software offers support for different modes of tracking, e.g. anonymous track...
Working with InfOnline/IVW
For scripts of InfOnline/IVW that are not async-compatible the existing scripts need to be "redes...
Working with Ströer MetaTag
Ströer requies, as long as Google is not listed as an IAB TCF vendor, to pass separate consent fo...
Working with Trustami
In order to work with Trustami please follow these steps: Please delete the current trustami p...
Working with Twitter
Twitter Codes are a bit special in the sense that they contain a static and a dynamic part. In or...
Working with Instagram
Instagram Codes are a bit special in the sense that they contain a static and a dynamic part. In ...
Working with etracker
The consentmanager CMP is able to send consent information directly to etracker Analytics tool. T...
Optimizing Advertising Monetization
If you are a publisher or website owner and your main source of income is advertising on your web...
Other Technical information
Automatic Blocking of Codes and Cookies
Please be aware, that automatic blocking is not 100% safe! If you want to ensure compliance, you ...
Dynamic Content Blocking
Dynamic Content Blocking allows a visitor to enable content on your page while rejecting consent ...
Cookies set by the CMP
The CMP will set cookies in order to store the consent information of the user. Here is a list of...
Consent Log / Protocol / Audit trail
In order to provide proof that consent was given, we will save a protocol / consent log for all c...
Client-side configuration options
In order to change the behavior or design of the CMP you can set several JavaScript-Variables: ...
The ConsentManager CMP will create reports in order to allow you to get a better feeling on what ...
Disabling the consent layer
In some cases it is necessary to force the consent layer to not show on a page. In order to achie...
Cookie-free Consent
The CMP offers a new features which allows Cookie-free Consent: In case when t...
Crawling in login areas, checkout processes and other restricted pages
Per default the crawler will only visit URLs on which the CMP-Code is present. This can lead to p...
Cross-Device Consent Sharing
ConsentManager supports Cross-Device Consent Shareing. In order to share consent information acro...
CMP Debugger Console
In order to enable developers with a better view on what the CMP is doing regarding code blocking...
LGPD Roadmap
LGPD will go into force in August 2020. By then will have the necessary featur...
How consentmanager handles Search Engine Crawlers
In order to provide an adequate picture of the website to search engines, we will not block the c...
Supported Browser Versions
The CMP currently supports the following Browsers and min. Versions: Browser Version supporte...
Adjusting the stub code
The stub code (the part of the code that you intergate into your website) automatically includes ...
Custom HTML-code
For each design you can add custom HTML-code. The HTML-code can be used in order to further custo...
Reducing Cookie Size
When a visitor makes a choice, the CMP will save the choice in a cookie on the users device. The ...
Text macros and placeholders
Macros or placeholders are predefined words that can occur in a text. The system will automatical...
Site-URL parameters
The CMP supports different parameters that can be added to the website's URL in order to influenc...
Compressed Custom IDs Format
In order to save storage and cookie size, the CMP will store the consent information in a propria...
Maximum text length
The maximum text length for each input field is 255 characters, except for: Text item max. Le...
What is the IP-Range of the Cookie Crawler?
Our Cookie Crawler is using more than 5000 different dynmatic IPs from all over the world. In ord...
Support for Privacy APIs
The consentmanager CMP supports various international standards and specifications in order to al...
CSS Breakpoints
When using default designs, the system will apply different breakpoints when switching between mo...
Cookie Wall
The Cookie Wall feature allowes you to block users from your website, that did not make a choice ...
Compatibility Mode
consentmanager supports the Compatibility Mode in order to make it easier to switch from a differ...
What to do when the Automatic Blocking mode is blocking too much?
The automatic blocking mode will automatically block all scripts and iframes on your website, the...
What to do when the Crawler reports issues?
The Crawler will visit your website on a regular basis and report if isses have been found. You c...
How to classify unknown cookies?
The Cookie Crawler will automatically classify cookies that are found on your ...
How to customize the first layer / welcome page?
In order to make it easier for you to find the right settings, here is a quick overview on the to...
How to customize the second layer / custom settings page?
In order to make it easier for you to find the right settings, here is a quick overview on the to...
The consent layer is not displayed (anymore). What can I do?
If the consent layer is not displayed to you, this can have the following reasons: You already ...
Which Agency can help me implementing the Code into my Website?
Here is a list of web design agencies and web development agencies that offer services on impleme...
What is a PageView?
The most important number for the invoicing of almost all of the consent manager packages are the...
What is a Website?
Some packages are limited to deliver the CMP only on one websites. But what defines a website? W...
What happens when the max. amount of pageviews per month is reached?
Some packages are limited to a certain amount of monthly maximum of pageviews. If your account is...
Requirements for Cookies (EU Court ruling 01.10.2019)
In a court ruling the Court of Justice of the European Union decided that storing cookies require...
Does the CMP in a website effect the SEO of my website?
We do not have any indication from any of the thousands of websites using our service, that it ef...
Warum wird mir das Paket nicht als Händlerbund angezeigt?
Sofern Sie als Mitglied des Händlerbund ein ConsentManager Paket beim Händlerbund erworben haben,...
How can I sign a data processing agreement with you?
The data processing agreement (DPA, AVV, Auftragsdatenverarbeitungsvertrag, DPV, ...) is included...
How can I use the CMP-Code with a TagManager?
Which code version (automatic blocking or manual/semi-automatic blocking code) you are using, is ...
How can I show/hide the purposes on the first layer?
In order to show or hide the purposes on the first layer of the CMP, please go to Menu > CMPs...
How can I show a menu in the custom settings page?
In order to group the vendors by purpose and show a menu in the custom settings page, please go t...
How can I set functional/essential cookies/purposes/vendors so that visitors cannot deactivate them?
We do not recommend to list vendors in your CMP that cannot be deactivated. In order to control ...
How to enable/disable vendors if a purpose is enabled/disabled?
You can link vendors to purposes. This means that if a purpose is activated or deactivated the co...
How to add a reject link to the text?
In order to insert a link into the welcome text on the first layer please go to Menu > Texts a...
Why does the CMP not delete existing cookies?
Lets assume the visitor goes to a website and clicks on accept. He will then receive some cookies...
What to do when the preview shows "unknown vendor"?
Some elements in your website can get a preview overlay if no consent is given. If everything is ...
How to report technical errors
In order to report technical errors please do as follows: Give us details Try to replicate the ...
How can I delete my account?
In order to delete your consentmanager account, please follow the steps below: Log into your c...
Why does the Crawler find a vendor IAB Europe?
The domain we use for the CMP ( is managed by IAB Europe. We use the domain to offer...
How to optimize PageSpeed when using consentmanager?
If you are using (any) cookie banner on your website, the website speed will be lower due to the ...
Can I add my own font families to a CMP design?
Of course! In the "Design Editor => Box Settings you can choose from system fonts which should...
My conversion tracking (Google Analytics example) does not work?
There are 2 possible issues why the conversion tracking could not work: Google is blocked Pleas...
How to disable Google Fundingchoices CMP?
If you are using Google Adsense, AdMob or AdManager 360 the Google CMP "Funding Choices" is autom...
How to clear my browser cache?
The browser cache is used by the browser to store files locally in order to not have the need to ...
How do I give multiple users access to the same consentmanager account with specific permissions?
Want to invite colleagues to collaborate on the same interface without the need to share your con...
How can I update my default payment method?
This guide will help you select the payment method you want to use to make payments on consentman...
How can I update my account's main settings?
In this guide you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to update your consentmanager account ...
How can I update my invoicing information?
Need to make some changes to your company information like address, or VAT number? You’re in the ...
How to start?
In order to start with the consentmanager API, please reach out to your account manager to get: ...
General API
The general API is designed to be able to get, list, update, create and delete data entries in th...
General API: Action types
preauth In order to authenticate a user, please query action type preauth first. With your reque...
The CMP supports various JavaScript APIs in order to allow websites to retriev...
CMP Events
In order to get notifications when certain events occur, you can use the following JavaScript Met...
Changes to the IAB CMP Framework JS API
Important: If CMP settings are used that are not compliant with the IAB TCF, the system will auto...
Checking Consent for a Vendor
In order to check if a certain vendor has consent, we recomment do use the global __cmp function ...
Passing the Consent String to a vendor
The IAB TCF specification is designed in a way so that vendors can automatically fetch the consen...
Using the IAB TCF in your CMP
If a CMP is set to use the IAB TCF is indicated by the IAB TCF icon below the CMP name: IAB Co...
IAB TCF v2 compliance
Important: If you are using settings in your CMP or Design that are not compliant with the TCF st...
Using the IAB GPP
In order to use the IAB GPP standard in your CMP, you will need to enable one of the underlaying ...
Using the IAB TCF Canada
In order to use the IAB TCF Canada standard with consentmanager, please follow these steps: Go ...
Privacy-friendly Website Analytics
Search Results
Don't have an account yet?
Become GDPR compliant with our GDPR Cookie Consent Manager solution. Try now for free!