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Client-side configuration options

In order to change the behavior or design of the CMP you can set several JavaScript-Variables.If ...

How to block third-party codes & cookies if no consent is given?

Automatic vs. Manual Blocking ConsentManager offers manual and automatic Blocking of Codes and C...

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the difference between cmpNotOpenedCallback and onErrorCallback? cmpNotOpenedCallb...

[Unity] 2. API Documentation

Initialize Initializes the Consent Manager with the provided domain, code ID, app name, and lan...

Working with Google Ad Manager

Please note: The below description affects Google Ad Manager, Google AdSense, Google AdMob and Go...

Working with Notification Integrations

Notifications about new cookies, vendors and so on can be send either via E-Mail or to a Webhook ...

[iOS] 4. Apple Privacy Manifest

From 01 May 2024 on, Apple will require app publishers to add a "privacy manifest" to each app th...

[Unity] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

The Consent Management Platform (CMP) Unity Plugin allows you to easily integrate Consent Managem...

[ReactNative] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

CMP SDK is a React Native library that facilitates the management of user consent for data proces...

Transparency and Consent Frameworks (IAB TCF, USPrivacy, Google AC)

Access to the Consent Values  The SDK will set the shared preferences values for IAB TCF v1, IAB...

[Flutter] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

Installing Run this command: With Flutter: flutter pub add cmp_sdk This will add a line like ...

Working with Google Limited Ads

Note: Please note that the Google Ad Manager supports a feature called Technical ad delivery. In ...

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Please note: If you want to deliver the consentmanager code via GTM, only the manual blocking cod...

[iOS] 2. Working with ATT (App Tracking Transparency / iOS)

Since iOS 14 Apple introduced the Apple Tracking Transparency framework, which requires that ever...

Custom HTML-code

For each design you can add custom HTML-code. The HTML-code can be used in order to further custo...


The CMP supports various JavaScript APIs in order to allow websites to retriev...

How to integrate the CMP into a WordPress website?

In order to integrate your CMP into a WordPress website, you can use our WordPress plugin or inse...

Working with YouTube

If you are embedding YouTube videos in your website, you should ensure that these are blocked if ...

Cross-Device Consent Sharing

ConsentManager supports Cross-Device Consent Shareing. In order to share consent information acro...

Working with Consent Scopes / Cross Domain Consent

Consent Scopes allow you to define in which "area" a consent or rejection is valid. You can set t...

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