Recently Updated Pages
LGPD Roadmap
LGPD will go into force in August 2020. By then will have the necessary featur...
Working with AdRoll / NextRoll Pixel
If you are using AdRoll / NextRoll Pixel on your website, please follow these steps in order to e...
Disabling the consent layer
In some cases it is necessary to force the consent layer to now show on a page. In order to achie...
Working with Google Analytics
Important: The commands might be different depending on your CMP settings. See information on IAB...
Working with HotJar
In order to let the CMP automatically block HotJar codes as long as no consent is given, please c...
Cookie-free Consent
The CMP offers a new features which allows Cookie-free Consent: In case when t...
How consentmanager handles Search Engine Crawlers
In order to provide an adequate picture of the website to search engines, we will not block the c...
Consent Log / Protocol / Audit trail
In order to provide proof that consent was given, we will save a protocol / consent log for all c...
Dynamic Content Blocking
Dynamic Content Blocking allows a visitor to enable content on your page while rejecting consent ...
Working with HubSpot
Due to recent court rulings we recommend to no longer use the below steps, but use a hard blockin...
Working with Google Maps
If you are embedding Google Maps into your website, you can block the codes as follows. Original...
Working with YouTube
If you are embedding YouTube videos in your website, you should ensure that these are blocked if ...
Working with Matomo/Piwik
In order to work with Matomo or Piwik here is an example on how to change the code in order to pr...
The ConsentManager CMP will create reports in order to allow you to get a better feeling on what ...
Automatic Blocking of Codes and Cookies
Please be aware, that automatic blocking is not 100% safe! If you want to ensure compliance, you ...
Crawling in login areas, checkout processes and other restricted pages
Per default the crawler will only visit URLs on which the CMP-Code is present. This can lead to p...
Working with Econda Tracking
The Econda Tracking software offers support for different modes of tracking, e.g. anonymous track...
Cross-Device Consent Sharing
ConsentManager supports Cross-Device Consent Shareing. In order to share consent information acro...
CMP Debugger Console
In order to enable developers with a better view on what the CMP is doing regarding code blocking...
Supported Browser Versions
The CMP currently supports the following Browsers and Versions: Browser Version supported ...