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Working with Google Fonts

What are Google Fonts? Fonts are files that contain the description how the browser can display ...

How to report technical errors

In order to report technical errors please do as follows: Give us details Try to replicate the ...

[iOS] 0. Migration Guide

1.99.2 New CmpConfig  let cmpConfig : CmpConfig = CmpConfig.shared.setup(withId: config...

Working with SSO

Example: OAuth2 with Microsoft Azure Login to consentmanager and navigate to Account > Secur...

Using the IAB TCF in your CMP

If a CMP is set to use the IAB TCF is indicated by the IAB TCF icon below the CMP name: IAB Co...

Using the CMP with AMP websites

Integrating the cookie consent / CMP into your AMP Website Please note: For AMP websites automat...

Working with Legal Bases

The CMP allows you to set the legal basis per vendor and purpose. Depending on...

How to disable Google Fundingchoices CMP?

If you are using Google Adsense, AdMob or AdManager 360 the Google CMP "Funding Choices" is autom...

Debugging: How to debug the App SDK

Android  Logging When using our Android SDK, you may need to debug or analyze log information f...

[Android] 0. Migration Guide

Version 1.7.33 Migration Guide to New SDK Repository The SDK repository has been moved to the o...

Text macros and placeholders

Macros or placeholders are predefined words that can occur in a text. The system will automatical...

How can I sign a data processing agreement with you?

The data processing agreement (DPA, AVV, Auftragsdatenverarbeitungsvertrag, DPV, ...) is included...

Working with international websites

In cases when companies target international audiences, the setup of the CMP can become complex. ...

Working with multiple languages

The CMP supports multiple way on how to work with multiple languages. How language detection wor...

Working with contentpass Integration

Please note: The contentpass feature is not available in all packages. The consentmanager CMP ha...

Changes to the IAB CMP Framework JS API

Important: If CMP settings are used that are not compliant with the IAB TCF, the system will auto...

How to integrate the CMP into a modified eCommerce Shop?

In order to integrate your CMP into a modified eCommerce Shop, please follow these steps: Instal...

Standard Integration

In order to integrate the CMP code into your website, please login to your acc...

6. Integrating the Code

Once you created a CMP, you  will get the corresponding CMP-Code from the menu Get Code. You will...

Which Agency can help me implementing the Code into my Website?

Here is a list of web design agencies and web development agencies that offer services on impleme...

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