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SDK Version Overview & Changelog
iOS SDK Version Overview Version Release Date 2.5.3 2024-09-06 2.5.2 2024-09-06 2...
Google Tag Manager (GTM)
Please note: If you want to deliver the consentmanager code via GTM, only the manual blocking cod...
How to optimize PageSpeed when using consentmanager?
If you are using (any) cookie banner on your website, the website speed will be lower due to the ...
Working with Targetings
The CMP allows you to create targetings for each design. If you set a targeting, the design will ...
[Android] 2. API Documentation
acceptAll Accepts the consent layer and behaves the same when the user accepts the consent. Par...
[iOS] 3. API Documentation
acceptAll Accepts the consent layer and behaves the same when the user accepts the consent. Par...
[Android] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
[iOS] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
On this document, you'll find general information on how to integrate our SDK to your project. Fo...
Working with GTM + Google Consent Mode v2
Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page....
Text macros and placeholders
Macros or placeholders are predefined words that can occur in a text. The system will automatical...
The CMP supports various JavaScript APIs in order to allow websites to retriev...
Whitelisting & Blacklisting Domains
In order to useĀ the CMP-Code on a website or app, the website's domain or the app's name need to...
Client-side configuration options
In order to change the behavior or design of the CMP you can set several JavaScript-Variables: ...
How to integrate the CMP into a Shopify Shop?
About the deprecation of Checkout Extensibility on Shopify: You probably are already aware about ...
Implementation via Google Integrated CMP Partner
consentmanager is among a few of CMPs that have been chosen by Google to be an integrated CMP par...
How to enable/disable personalized ads with Google GPT, DFP, Google Admanager or Google AdSense
Please note: Google Ad Manager, AdSense and other Google producs require consent for delivering a...
Compatibility Mode
consentmanager supports the Compatibility Mode in order to make it easier to switch from a differ...
Working with Google Adx (Google Approved Third Party Vendor List / ATP)
Important: The commands might be different depending on your CMP settings. See information in IAB...
Working with Facebook Pixels
If enabled in CMP settings, the CMP can automatically call Facebooks fbq function with the consen...
Cookies set by the CMP
The CMP will set cookies in order to store the consent information of the user. Here is a list of...