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238 total results found
How to integrate the CMP into a osCommerce shop?
Please note: Automatic code blocking can cause problems with your website. In order to integrat...
Frequently asked questions
Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...
Custom HTML-code
For each design you can add custom HTML-code. The HTML-code can be used in order to further custo...
Working with Targetings
The CMP allows you to create targetings for each design. If you set a targeting, the design will ...
Working with Google Ad Manager
Please note: The below description affects Google Ad Manager, Google AdSense, Google AdMob and Go...
How to disable Google Fundingchoices CMP?
If you are using Google Adsense, AdMob or AdManager 360 the Google CMP "Funding Choices" is autom...
Debugging: How to debug the App SDK
Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...
Integrating the CMP into a CTV/HbbTV App
Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...
Adjusting the stub code
The stub code (the part of the code that you intergate into your website) automatically includes ...
How can I set functional/essential cookies/purposes/vendors so that visitors cannot deactivate them?
We do not recommend to list vendors in your CMP that cannot be deactivated. In order to control ...
Working with InfOnline/IVW
For scripts of InfOnline/IVW that are not async-compatible the existing scripts need to be "redes...
What to do when the Automatic Blocking mode is blocking too much?
The automatic blocking mode will automatically block all scripts and iframes on your website, the...
Understanding Account structure, Vendors, Purposes and Cookies
In ConsentManager you will find different entities that you can create, enable, select and assign...
Passing the Consent String to a vendor
The IAB TCF specification is designed in a way so that vendors can automatically fetch the consen...
Which Agency can help me implementing the Code into my Website?
Here is a list of web design agencies and web development agencies that offer services on impleme...
IAB TCF v2 compliance
Important: If you are using settings in your CMP or Design that are not compliant with the TCF st...
Working with Ströer MetaTag
Ströer requies, as long as Google is not listed as an IAB TCF vendor, to pass separate consent fo...
Working with Google reCAPTCHA
Unfortunately reCaptcha is causing many issues. In most cases the only working way is to exclude ...
How can I sign a data processing agreement with you?
The data processing agreement (DPA, AVV, Auftragsdatenverarbeitungsvertrag, DPV, ...) is included...
How can I show/hide the purposes on the first layer?
In order to show or hide the purposes on the first layer of the CMP, please go to Menu > CMPs...