
Working with Google Ad Manager

Please note: The below description affects Google Ad Manager, Google AdSense, Google AdMob and Google DV360.

See also: Google Consent Mode | Google Limited Ads

Note: Please ensure to disable Google Funding Choices CMP in your website when working with consentmanager.

In order for Google Ad Manager to deliver ads, you need to have the following settings active in your CMP, otherwise you will see a error message like this:

  1. Ensure your CMP is set to TCF v2 compliance:

    See more info on IAB TCF compliance here.

  2. Ensure you have "Google Advertising Products" listed in your vendorlist:

  3. Ensure you have at least the IAB TCF purposes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9  and 10 activated in your purpose list:

  4. Ensure that you do NOT change the default legal basis, leave the legal basis on default:

Why do I only see advertising if consent is given?

The Google Policy says, that you must obtain legal consent. If no consent is given, Google will see this through the IAB TCF v2 API and will act accordingly. In order for Google to show ads, consent must be given for purpose 1, 2 and 3 as well as for the vendor Google Advertising Products.

... but Google showed ads before!?

Yes and no. The Google Policy always dictated (even before IAB TCF v2) that you must obtain legal consent. If no consent is given you are not allowed to place Google's codes in your website. With IAB TCF v2 now Google has a mechanism to check if consent is really given and can now automatically react if no consent is given. If you saw ads before IAB TCF without giving consent, then only because the website was/is violating the Google policy.

What about Non-Personalized ads?

Also before IAB TCF v2 you were not allowed by Google to show (any) ads without legal consent - this includes non-personalized ads. It is a common misunderstanding that "no consent" means that you should signal "please show non-personalized ads" to Google. If no consent is given and you show Google's codes you are violating the Google policy!

Why does ConsentManager block Google Ads?

If you are using the manual blocking code, we are not blocking any codes if you did not prepare them for blocking. Please note that Google is automatically blocking the ad delivery if no consent is given.

Where can I find more information?

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