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238 total results found
[iOS] 0. Migration Guide
Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...
Using the IAB TCF Canada
In order to use the IAB TCF Canada standard with consentmanager, please follow these steps: Go ...
Working with Google Consent Mode v2 + Automatic Blocking Code
Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page....
Working with Google Consent Mode / Additional Consent / TCF ...
Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page....
[ReactNative] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...
[iOS] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration
Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...
[iOS] 3. API Documentation
Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...
Combining native and web content in an app
Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...
Working with Staging and Live Environments
Staging allows you to separate between test (staging) and productive (live) version of your CMP. ...
My conversion tracking (Google Analytics example) does not work?
There are 2 possible issues why the conversion tracking could not work: Google is blocked Pleas...
[Android] 0. Migration Guide
Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...
Working with Sub-vendors / Sub-services
In cases when a vendor automatically loads other vendors, it may make sense to group these vendor...
[Android] 2. API Documentation
Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...
Working with Google Fonts
What are Google Fonts? Fonts are files that contain the description how the browser can display ...
How to integrate the CMP into a Droptienda shop?
Integration Our colleagues from Droptienda developed a plugin integration.
Working with SSO
Example: OAuth2 with Microsoft Azure Login to consentmanager and navigate to Account > Secur...
Implementing a Pay-or-Accept (PUR) Model
Especially for news publishers a consent mode that allows the visitor to only choose between adve...
Privacy-friendly Website Analytics
What is privacy-friendly Website Analytics? With our privacy-friendly Website Analytics we try t...
What happens when the max amount of PageViews is reached?
The Privacy-friendly Website Analytics is included in all packages as a Basic version with a limi...
Working with Google Consent Mode v2 + Manual/Semiautomatic Blocking Code
Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page....