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239 total results found

Integrating the CMP into an Android/iOS App

CMP Integration into your App

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

Cookies set by the CMP

CMP Other Technical information

The CMP will set cookies in order to store the consent information of the user. Here is a list of...

Disabling the consent layer

CMP Other Technical information

In some cases it is necessary to force the consent layer to not show on a page. In order to achie...

Working with AdRoll / NextRoll Pixel

CMP How to work with ...

If you are using AdRoll / NextRoll Pixel on your website, please follow these steps in order to e...

LGPD Roadmap

CMP Other Technical information

LGPD will go into force in August 2020. By then will have the necessary featur...

[Unity] 1. consentmanager SDK Integration

CMP Integration into your App

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

[Unity] 2. API Documentation

CMP Integration into your App

Deprecated SDK / Upgrade to v3: This documentation outlines version 2.x of our SDK. The 2.x SDK i...

Using the IAB GPP


In order to use the IAB GPP standard in your CMP, you will need to enable one of the underlaying ...

How to start?


In order to start with the consentmanager API, please reach out to your account manager to get: ...

How to integrate the CMP into a WordPress website?

CMP Integration via CMS or Shop-System

In order to integrate your CMP into a WordPress website, you can use our WordPress plugin or inse...

How to integrate the CMP into a Drupal website?

CMP Integration via CMS or Shop-System

Please note: The plugin is using automatic code blocking, this can cause problems with your websi...

How to integrate the CMP into a GoDaddy/GoCentral page?

CMP Integration via CMS or Shop-System

Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...

6. Integrating the Code

CMP First steps

Once you created a CMP, you  will get the corresponding CMP-Code from the menu Get Code. You will...

Working with Age-Verification

CMP Settings

The CMP allows to not only ask for consent but also to verify the age of the visitor by asking hi...

How to block third-party codes & cookies if no consent is given?

CMP Integration into your Website

Automatic vs. Manual Blocking ConsentManager offers manual and automatic Blocking of Codes and C...

Working with Facebook Pixels

CMP How to work with ...

If enabled in CMP settings, the CMP can automatically call Facebooks fbq function with the consen...

Working with Google Adx (Google Approved Third Party Vendor List / ATP)

CMP How to work with ...

Important: The commands might be different depending on your CMP settings. See information in IAB...

CMP Events

CMP JavaScript-API

In order to get notifications when certain events occur, you can use the following JavaScript Met...

Changes to the IAB CMP Framework JS API

CMP JavaScript-API

Important: If CMP settings are used that are not compliant with the IAB TCF, the system will auto...

Working with Google Analytics

CMP How to work with ...

Important: The commands might be different depending on your CMP settings. See information on IAB...

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