
How to block third-party codes & cookies if no consent is given?

Automatic vs. Manual Blocking

ConsentManager offers manual and automatic Blocking of Codes and Cookies. Despite that automatic blocking is easier to install, for compliance reasons we recommend to use manual blocking!

Here is a comparison of the two blocking methods:

Automatic Blocking

  • Easy to install, only one code in the <head>
  • Can cause issues with compliance
  • Runs synchronously, website speed is slower
  • Can cause issues with normal website features (e.g. blocking the wrong scripts)

You can read more about Automatic Blocking of Codes and Cookies here.

Manual Blocking

  • Harder to install, all scripts/iframes must be adjusted
  • Very safe/compliant if installed correct
  • Runs asynchronously, website speed is not affected
  • Unlikely to cause issues with normal website features (e.g. only blocks scripts that you select to be blocked)

We recommend using manual blocking in order to avoid compliance issues!

Manual Blocking of Codes and Cookies

The CMP can postpone the load of ads on your website until consent is given. In order to enable this feature you need to change existing creative codes on your website.

Please note that blocking / postponed loading only works with asynchronous script codes and Iframe codes and not with synchronous script codes.


If you want to postpone an iframe code, please follow these steps:

  1. Change the src="…" attribute of the iframe to data-cmp-src="…"
  2. Add a new src="about:blank" attribute to the iframe
  3. If a class="…" exists, add cmplazyload to the value. If class does not exist, add the attribute including the value class="cmplazyload"
  4. Add a new attribut data-cmp-vendor="x" and/or data-cmp-purpose="x" in order to fire the code only if consent for this vendor and purpose is given. See info below.

Example code before change:

<iframe width="300" height="250" noresize="noresize" scrolling="no" 
        frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"

Example code after change:

<iframe width="300" height="250" noresize="noresize" scrolling="no"        
        frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"        

asynchronous Script-Codes

If you want to postpone the load of an async. Script code, please follow these steps:

  1. If a src="..." exists, change the src="…" attribute of the script to data-cmp-src="…"
  2. If a type="..." exists, change its value to text/plain, otherwise add the attribute with this value type="text/plain".
  3. If a class="…" exists, add cmplazyload to the value. If class does not exist, add the attribute including the value class="cmplazyload"
  4. Add a new attribut data-cmp-vendor="x" and/or data-cmp-purpose="x" in order to fire the code only if consent for this vendor and purpose is given. See info below.

Example code 1 before change:

<script async

Example code 1 after change:

<script async 

Example code 2 before change:

<script type="text/javascript">
  console.log("do something here");

Example code 2 after change:

<script type="text/plain" class="cmplazyload" data-cmp-vendor="123">
  console.log("do something here");

Blocking other page elements

The above described blocking mechanism can be used with basically all HTML elements that load thrid party data:

  • picture
  • video
  • source
  • object
  • embed
  • link (Note: use data-cmp-href instead of data-cmp-src)

Additional attributes

The following additional attributes can be added to script/iframe codes in order to further align the delivery to certain consent results:




if present, CMP will hide the iframe if consent is not given and unhide the iframe if consent is given


CMP will only activate this script/iframe if consent for vendor xxx is given. Multiple vendors can be combined using comma, e.g. data-cmp-vendor="xxx,yyy,zzz"

Can also contain  value * in order to signal that all vendors apply.


CMP will only activate this script/iframe if consent for purpose xxx is given. Multiple purposes can be combined using comma, e.g. data-cmp-purpose="xxx,yyy,zzz"

Can also contain  value * in order to signal that all purposes apply.


CMP will display a preview (see dynamic content blocking) element in this position. WxH needs to be replaced by the width and height (e.g. 300x400) of the preview layer.


Tells the CMP to unblock all other elements with class xxx once this element gets unblocked.


Allows you to adjust the headline text of the preview.


Allows you to adjust the text of the preview.


Allows you to adjust the button text of the preview.


Allows you to adjust the checkbox text of the preview. If set to an empty string, the checkbox will not be displayed.


Allows you to adjust the image of the preview.

data-cmp-haspreview="0 / 1"

Deactivates the dynamic content overlay (default = 0).



Allows you to adjust the background color of the preview (default = black)

data-cmp-preview-mode="0 / 1"

Sets the mode for the preview:

 - 0 (default): The preview is only shown if no consent for this vendor is given

 - 1: The preview is always shown (even if the vendor has consent)


The CMP will not use automatic blocking with this element.


The CMP will not use automatic blocking with this element and all elements that are created by this element.


Blocks the element depending on the value of x:

- contentpass: Blocks the element if the user logged in via contentpass

- purmodel: Blocks the element if the user logged in via custo pur model

- textblocking: Blocks the element if the user did not accept vendor(s) or purpose(s)

Note: If data-cmp-vendor="..." and data-cmp-purpose="..." are not present, the system will check if at least 1 purpose was accepted. If that is the case, the code will be activated.

You can find the IDs of all purposes in menu Purposes:

You can find the IDs of all vendors in menu Vendors/Whitelist:


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