[Unity] 2. API Documentation
Initializes the Consent Manager with the provided domain, code ID, app name, and language.
Name | Type | Description |
domain | String | The domain of the Consent Management Platform. |
codeId | String | The code ID for the application. |
appName | String | The name of the application. |
language | String | The language code (e.g., "EN", "DE") for localization. |
private void Awake()
_cmpManager = CmpManager.Instance;
private void Start()
_mainThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
Debug.Log("Consentmanager SampleScene started");
var config = new CmpConfig(CodeId, Domain, AppName, Language);
// Example of using a custom layout
// var customRect = new Rect(0,0, 300, 600);
// config.SetCustomLayout(customRect);
// alternative create the instance directly with the required parameters
// _cmpManager.Initialize(Domain, CodeId, AppName, Language);
Sets Android-specific callbacks for CMP events.
_cmpManager.AddEventListeners(OnOpen, OnClose, OnNotOpened, OnCmpButtonClicked, OnError);
Launches the CmpManager and shows the Consent Layer if needed
Checks if the user has given consent.
true if user has given consent, false otherwise.
var hasConsent = _cmpManager.HasConsent();
Opens the Consent Layer to manage user's consent settings.
Opens the Consent Layer if necessary based on checks.
Checks if a vendor with the specified ID has been selected by the user.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string | The ID of the vendor to check. You can find the vendor IDs in your account under Menu > CMPs > Vendors. |
Return Type
(bool) true
if the vendor is selected, false
bool result = HasVendor("vendorId");
Checks if a purpose with the specified ID has been selected by the user.
- id: The ID of the purpose to check.
Return Type
bool: True if the purpose is selected, false otherwise.
bool result = _cmpManager.HasPurpose(purposeId);
Checks if the user need to give consent
Return Type
bool: True if consent is required
var isRequired = await _cmpManager.CheckConsentIsRequired();
Exports the Consent Management Platform (CMP) settings as a string.
Return Type
string: The exported CMP settings as a string.
string cmpSettings = ExportCmpString();
Import the Consent Management Platform (CMP) string.
string: The CMP string
Return Type
CmpImportResult: Result if the import was successfull
result = await _cmpManager.ImportCmpString(cmpString);
Gets a list of all available purposes.
Return Type
List<string>: A list of purpose IDs.
List<string> purposes = GetAllPurposes();
Gets a list of enabled purposes.
Return Type
List<string>: A list of enabled purpose IDs.
List<string> enabledPurposes = GetEnabledPurposes();
Gets a list of disabled purposes.
Return Type
List<string>: A list of disabled purpose IDs.
List<string> disabledPurposes = GetDisabledPurposes();
Gets a list of all available vendors.
Return Type
List<string>: A list of vendor IDs.
List<string> allVendors = GetAllVendors();
Gets a list of enabled vendors.
Return Type
List<string>: A list of enabled vendor IDs.
List<string> enabledVendors = GetEnabledVendors();
Gets a list of disabled vendors.
Return Type
List<string>: A list of disabled vendor IDs.
List<string> disabledVendors = GetDisabledVendors();
Gets the Google Advertiser Consent string.
Return Type
string: The Google Advertiser Consent string.
string googleAcString = GetGoogleAcString();
Gets the US Privacy string.
Return Type
string: The US Privacy string.
string usPrivacyString = GetUsPrivacyString();
Function | Description | Parameters |
Initialize | Initializes the CMP Manager with domain, code ID, app name, and language. | domain, codeId, appName, language |
Initialize | Initializes the CMP Manager with a configuration object. | config (CmpConfig) |
HasConsent | Checks if the user has given consent. | None |
HasVendor | Checks if a vendor with the specified ID is selected by the user. | id (string) |
HasPurpose | Checks if a purpose with the specified ID is selected by the user. | id (string) |
OpenConsentLayer | Opens the Consent Layer for managing user consent settings. | None |
OpenConsentLayerOnCheck | Opens the Consent Layer if necessary, based on a check with the backend. | None |
CheckConsentIsRequired | Checks if opening the Consent Layer is necessary. | None |
AcceptAll | Accepts all consent options. | None |
RejectAll | Rejects all consent options. | None |
Launch | Launches the CMP Manager and shows the Consent Layer if needed. | None |
Reset | Resets the CMP settings. | None |
ExportCmpString | Exports CMP settings as a string. | None |
ImportCmpString | Imports CMP settings from a given string. | cmp (string) |
GetGoogleAcString | Gets the Google Advertiser Consent string. | None |
GetUsPrivacyString | Gets the US Privacy string. | None |
GetLastATTrackingRequestDate | Gets the date of the last App Tracking Transparency request. | None |
GetGoogleConsentModeStatus | Gets the current status of Google Consent Mode. | None |
GetAllPurposes | Gets a list of all available purposes. | None |
GetEnabledPurposes | Gets a list of enabled purposes. | None |
GetDisabledPurposes | Gets a list of disabled purposes. | None |
GetAllVendors | Gets a list of all available vendors. | None |
GetEnabledVendors | Gets a list of enabled vendors. | None |
GetDisabledVendors | Gets a list of disabled vendors. | None |
SetUIConfig | Sets the UI configuration for the CMP UI. | cmpUIConfig (CmpUIConfig) |
RequestATTrackingPermission | (iOS only) Requests App Tracking Transparency permission. | None |
CmpUIConfig Overview:
Property/Method | Description | Type/Parameters |
screenConfig | Property to hold the chosen screen configuration. | ScreenConfig enum |
androidUiType (Android only) | UI Type for Android devices. | AndroidUiType enum |
androidFragmentContainerId (Android only) | Container ID for Android Fragment. | int |
isFocusable (Android only) | If the UI should be focusable. | bool |
isOutsideTouchable (Android only) | If the outside touch should be detected. | bool |
SetAndroidFragmentContainerId (Android only) | Sets the container ID for the Android fragment. | id (int) |
SetAndroidUiType (Android only) | Sets the UI type for Android. | type (AndroidUiType) |
CmpBridgeSetConsentManagerModalPresentationStyle (iOS only) | Sets the modal presentation style via external call. | modalPresentationStyle (int) |
ConfigureModalPresentationStyle (iOS only) | Configures the modal presentation style for iOS. | style (CmpIOSModalPresentationStyle) |
CmpConfig Overview:
Property/Method | Description | Type/Parameters |
Constructor | Initializes the CMP configuration with the necessary parameters. | id, domain, appName, language, uiConfig (optional) |
UIConfig | Property to hold the UI configuration. | CmpUIConfig |
IdfaOrGaid | Identifier for Advertisers or Google Advertising ID. | string |
Timeout | Timeout for CMP operations. | int |
JumpToSettingsPage | Whether to jump to the settings page automatically. | bool |
DesignId | Optional design ID for CMP UI customization. | int? |
Debug | Enables debug mode. | bool |
Id | The unique identifier for the CMP instance. | string (readonly) |
Domain | The domain associated with the CMP instance. | string (readonly) |
AppName | The name of the application using CMP. | string (readonly) |
Language | The language for CMP UI and operations. | string (readonly) |