Recently Updated Pages
How to integrate the CMP into a Lightspeed Shop?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
How to integrate the CMP into a Strato LivePages / ePages / Webshopnow website?
Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use...
First steps / What to do?
In order to use the ConsentManager CMP and become GDPR and/or CCPA compliant with your website yo...
Working with purposes
The purposes that are displayed in the consent layer can be changed in menu Purposes. You can def...
How to integrate the CMP into a WooCommerce Shop?
In order to integrate the CMP-Code into a WooCommerce Shop please follow the same steps as for a ...
Using the CMP with prebid.js
In order to use the CMP with prebid.js you need to build prebid.js in version 1.0 or above (versi...
Working with Age-Verification
The CMP allows to not only ask for consent but also to verify the age of the visitor by asking hi...