
Requirements for Cookies (EU Court ruling 01.10.2019)

In a court ruling the Court of Justice of the European Union decided that storing cookies requires internet users' active consent.


Here are the important facts about the cour ruling:

  1. Storing and accessing cookies on a visitors device requires that active consent needs to be given by the visitor
  2. A pre-checked box is not considered a valid consent
  3. Consent is necessary for all types of cookies - not only cookies that store personal data
  4. Consent must be specific to cookies, it is not sufficient to "include" cookie consent in a promotional lottery
  5. The website needs to provide information about the cookies such as the duration and whether or not third parties may have access to those cookies

How can the CMP help?

Use the includes all requierements set by the EU court. Include the CMP-Code into your website and the CMP will ask for consent and display a list of all cookies on your website (including expire date, origin and more). The cookie list is enabled by default in your CMP. If you are unsure, you can enable it under Login > CMPs > Edit >Cookie List

How does a compliant Cookie consent message look like?

Here is an example of a compliant cookie consent message:

And here is an example on how a compliant cookie list can look like:

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