
Cookie Wall

  • Visitors must make a choice and cannot surf the website without making a choice. This can lower the Ignore rate.
  • Cross-Domain consent is possible, even with browsers that do not support 3rd Party cookies.
  • No code is loaded before consent: If websites implement a "hard wall", no cookies and no codes can technically load before a choice is made (highest legal safety).

Why NOT using a cookie wall?

  • All new visitors will be redirected away from the original website and onto the cookie wall page. This may lead to poor user experience (UX).
  • Searchengine-crawlers may see the cookie wall instead of the original website and therefore may not be able to index the actual website (may lead to lower SEO).

How to implement a cookie wall?

In order to enable the soft cookie wall, please go to Menu > Legal > Consent Scope and enable Cookie Wall. Please also add a fallback-URL (your website URL) in case when the original URL could not be found.

Once enabled, the system will automatically redirect all visitors by detecting the consent choices via JavaScript. Visitors that disable JavaScript or use an AdBlocker might still be able to visit your website without making a choice.

Example code in PHP:

 $sendToCookieWall = true;
 if(isset($_REQUEST['cmpignorewall'])){$sendToCookieWall = false;}
 else if(isset($_COOKIE))
  foreach ($_COOKIE as $name => $value)
   if(substr($name,0,5) == '__cmp')
    $sendToCookieWall = false;

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