
Working with Google Consent Mode + Google Analytics (GA4)

On this page we are collecting typical questions and answers for the use of Google Consent Mode v2 alongside with Google Analytics (GA4).

Looking for a CMP that supports Google Consent Mode? See our Google Consent Mode v2 product page.

General questions

Do I need to use Google Consent Mode when using Google Analytics (GA4)?

When you are using Google Analytics (GA4) on your website, you will be forced to use the Google Consent Mode v2 for all visitors from the EEA + UK + CH in order to see reports. Without it, Google Analytics will stop reporting data.

Do I need to use a CMP for Google Consent Mode?

Although Google recommends to use a certified Google CMP Partner, it is not a requirement for using the Consent Mode.

Yes, the same rules apply for Google Firebase.

Reporting questions

How much Traffic will I see in Google Analytics reports?

How Google Analytics will report the data, depends on how Consent Mode is implemented: Basic Implementation or Advanced Implementation.

Why do I not see 100% of the traffic in Google Analytics (GA4) when using Consent Mode Advanced Implementation?

Please see the answer above. Even with Advanced Implementation, certain limitations may apply and you may only see the consented traffic.

Modeling questions

What are the requirements for Behavorial Modeling in GA4?

In order to enable behavorial modeling in Google Analytics the following requirements need to be met:

Once these criteria are reached, behavorial modeling will automatically start and may increase in accuracy over time.

What are the requirements for Conversion Modeling in GA4?

In order to enable conversion modeling in Google Analytics one or more of the following requirements need to be met:

  • Behavorial Modeling activated
  • Website has more than 700 clicks from Google Ads (a.k.a. "AdWords") per week

Technical questions

How should I implement Google Consent Mode together with Google Analytics (GA4)?

Please see our guides on implementing Google Consent mode here.

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