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What to do when the Automatic Blocking mode is blocking too much?
The automatic blocking mode will automatically block all scripts and iframes on your website, the...
What to do when the Crawler reports issues?
The Crawler will visit your website on a regular basis and report if isses have been found. You c...
How to classify unknown cookies?
The Cookie Crawler will automatically classify cookies that are found on your ...
How to customize the first layer / welcome page?
In order to make it easier for you to find the right settings, here is a quick overview on the to...
How to customize the second layer / custom settings page?
In order to make it easier for you to find the right settings, here is a quick overview on the to...
The consent layer is not displayed (anymore). What can I do?
If the consent layer is not displayed to you, this can have the following reasons: You already ...
Which Agency can help me implementing the Code into my Website?
Here is a list of web design agencies and web development agencies that offer services on impleme...
What is a PageView?
The most important number for the invoicing of almost all of the consent manager packages are the...
What is a Website?
Some packages are limited to deliver the CMP only on one websites. But what defines a website? W...
What happens when the max. amount of pageviews per month is reached?
Some packages are limited to a certain amount of monthly maximum of pageviews. If your account is...
Requirements for Cookies (EU Court ruling 01.10.2019)
In a court ruling the Court of Justice of the European Union decided that storing cookies require...
Does the CMP in a website effect the SEO of my website?
We do not have any indication from any of the thousands of websites using our service, that it ef...
Warum wird mir das Paket nicht als Händlerbund angezeigt?
Sofern Sie als Mitglied des Händlerbund ein ConsentManager Paket beim Händlerbund erworben haben,...
How can I sign a data processing agreement with you?
The data processing agreement (DPA, AVV, Auftragsdatenverarbeitungsvertrag, DPV, ...) is included...
How can I use the CMP-Code with a TagManager?
Which code version (automatic blocking or manual/semi-automatic blocking code) you are using, is ...
How can I show/hide the purposes on the first layer?
In order to show or hide the purposes on the first layer of the CMP, please go to Menu > CMPs...
How can I show a menu in the custom settings page?
In order to group the vendors by purpose and show a menu in the custom settings page, please go t...
How can I set functional/essential cookies/purposes/vendors so that visitors cannot deactivate them?
We do not recommend to list vendors in your CMP that cannot be deactivated. In order to control ...
How to enable/disable vendors if a purpose is enabled/disabled?
You can link vendors to purposes. This means that if a purpose is activated or deactivated the co...
How to add a reject link to the text?
In order to insert a link into the welcome text on the first layer please go to Menu > Texts a...
Why does the CMP not delete existing cookies?
Lets assume the visitor goes to a website and clicks on accept. He will then receive some cookies...
What to do when the preview shows "unknown vendor"?
Some elements in your website can get a preview overlay if no consent is given. If everything is ...
How to report technical errors
In order to report technical errors please do as follows: Give us details Try to replicate the ...
How can I delete my account?
In order to delete your consentmanager account, please follow the steps below: Log into your c...
Why does the Crawler find a vendor IAB Europe?
The domain we use for the CMP ( is managed by IAB Europe. We use the domain to offer...
How to optimize PageSpeed when using consentmanager?
If you are using (any) cookie banner on your website, the website speed will be lower due to the ...
Can I add my own font families to a CMP design?
Of course! In the "Design Editor => Box Settings you can choose from system fonts which should...
My conversion tracking (Google Analytics example) does not work?
There are 2 possible issues why the conversion tracking could not work: Google is blocked Pleas...
How to disable Google Fundingchoices CMP?
If you are using Google Adsense, AdMob or AdManager 360 the Google CMP "Funding Choices" is autom...
How to clear my browser cache?
The browser cache is used by the browser to store files locally in order to not have the need to ...
How do I give multiple users access to the same consentmanager account with specific permissions?
Want to invite colleagues to collaborate on the same interface without the need to share your con...
How can I update my default payment method?
This guide will help you select the payment method you want to use to make payments on consentman...
How can I update my account's main settings?
In this guide you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to update your consentmanager account ...
How can I update my invoicing information?
Need to make some changes to your company information like address, or VAT number? You’re in the ...
How can I move my CMP to another consentmanager account?
Need to move your consentmanager CMP to a different account? No problem! This action cannot be d...
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