
How to integrate the CMP into a Strato LivePages / ePages / Webshopnow website?

Please note: The below description is only valid for the manual blocking code. If you want to use automatic code blocking, please ensure that the CMP-Code is inserted directly after the <head> element of your website code.

Strato LivePages

In order to intergate the CMP-Code into a website that is build with Strato LivePages, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Strato LivePages Project and click on Step 5 Publizieren
  2. Click on the button Optimierung für Suchmaschinen
  3. Insert the CMP-Code into the field Web-Tracking-Code einfügen
  4. Click on Ok and publish the changes

Strato Webshop now

Currently Strato Webshop now does not offer the possibility to insert HTML-codes and can therefore not work with our CMP.

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