How can I move my CMP to another consentmanager account?
Need to move your consentmanager CMP to a different account? No problem!
This action cannot be done directly from your account, but our support team will be happy to assist you. Please read the steps below to start the procedure, as we need some information from you before we can proceed.
Let's say you want to transfer your CMP from account A to account B.
To do that, please send us the following information at
- Two different emails from account owners A and B, with written confirmation and detail of the action requested;
- Specify whether you want to transfer custom vendors or ignore;
- Specify whether you want to transfer custom designs or ignore.
Custom vendors: If the CMP in account A has custom vendors assigned, these cannot be copied, only transferred. This means that after the CMP has been moved along with its custom vendors to account B, these custom vendors are removed from account A on an account-level, affecting all other CMPs in the account that had these assigned.
Custom designs: Same as the above custom vendors. If moved to account B, the designs won’t be available in account A anymore.
Have some questions? Our customer support will gladly help out. Reach out at