
How can I update my default payment method?

This guide will help you select the payment method you want to use to make payments on consentmanager. You can do that directly from your account. Let’s take a look!

The available payment methods

There are 4 payment methods currently available on consentmanager:

  • Wire transfer: You receive an invoice by email, and then transfer the amount due manually using the consentmanager invoicing information provided;
  • PayPal: You receive an invoice by email, and then you transfer the amount due manually to the consentmanager PayPal address;
  • Credit card: You provide your credit card detail (see below) and consentmanager charges your credit card directly each time to withdraw the amount due;
  • SEPA debit [For German users only]: In this case, consentmanager will automatically withdraw the amount from your account.

For monthly billing, please note that invoices are available at the beginning of the next month.

If you have three or more unpaid invoices, your account will be blocked until all the invoices are paid for.

How to update your payment method

Only the account's admin can update the default payment method. Users who were invited to collaborate on this account will not have access to do so.

  • Log into your consentmanager account and access your dashboard;
  • Go to the blue sidebar (on the left side) and click on the “Account” icon at the bottom;
  • The sidebar should display a list of sections under “Account“, click on “Payment”;


  • You’ve reached the payment information section. You can use the dropdown menu to select the type of payment method you want to use. The options are: wire transfer, PayPal or credit card;
    • If you choose credit card, you will have to insert your credit card detail (name, number, date and CVC). Tick the box and hit “Save credit card”.


You can update your payment method even if you have outstanding invoices. If you switch to paying via credit card, our system will automatically charge your card for all outstanding payments.

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