
Working with Consent Scopes / Cross Domain Consent

Note: Modern browsers will partition the cookies based on the top window domain. In this case Cross domain consent is NOT possible.

The following scopes can be used:


Further cross domain strategies

In addition to the above consent scope setting, websites can use other features to share consent across websites or apps:

Under Menu > CMPs > Legal you can enable the Cookie Wall feature. This will automatically forward the visitor to a Cookie Wall page. This allows to share consent across domains when technical limitations are present. More Information can be found here.

Under Menu > CMPs > Legal you can enable the Automatic Consent Sync on Click-out feature. This will automatically add the consent information to outgoing links that belong to the domains you have set. This way, when a user clicks from website A to website B, the consent will automatically be shared through the click-URL.

Further cross domain consent sharing can be done by manually sharing the consent data. This makes sense in situations when the user is logged into the website and switches to another website where the user is also logged in. More information can be found here.

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