
[Android] 2. API Documentation

The CMPManager class provides methods to manage user consent for data processing and tracking. This documentation covers the main methods available for mobile app integration.

All of the examples mentioned below were extracted from and can be found on our Demo App.

Please check the deprecated methods in case you're already integrating v3 of our CMP SDK.



Sets the URL configuration for the Consent Manager. Needs to be initialized with the value below, and passed to the getInstance method. 


  • id: String - The Code-ID retrieved from your CMP dashboard
  • domain: String - The domain for consent management, also retrieved from your CMP dashboard
  • language: String - The language code (e.g., "EN", "IT", "DE", etc)
  • appName: String - The name of your app, used only for reporting purposes. 


val urlConfig = UrlConfig(
    id = "YOUR_CODE_ID_HERE",
    domain = "",
    language = "EN",
    appName = "CMDemoAppKotlin"


Sets the Activitythat will present the consent layer. It should be a ComponentActivity


  • viewController: ComponentActivity - The Activity where the consent layer will be presented.

Returns: None




Returns a detailed snapshot of the user's current consent status and preferences. This method provides comprehensive information about the user's consent choices, including their overall consent status, individual vendor permissions, purpose-specific consents, and relevant consent strings.


  • None


Return Type: CMPUserStatusResponse object, explained in the code below. 


let status = CMPManager.shared.getUserStatus()
var message = "Status: \(status.status)\n\n"

message += "Vendors:\n"
for (vendorId, state) in status.vendors {
    message += "- \(vendorId): \(state)\n"

message += "\nPurposes:\n"
for (purposeId, state) in status.purposes {
    message += "- \(purposeId): \(state)\n"

message += "\nTCF: \(status.tcf)\n"
message += "Additional Consent: \(status.addtlConsent)\n"
message += "Regulation: \(status.regulation)"



Checks with the server if consent is required and opens the consent layer if necessary. This will make a network call to our servers via the WKWebView created inside our SDK, consuming one pageview in the process. This network call will send a message to our backend via JavaScript, which will detect whether the device has a valid consent or not, which will in turn determine whether the consent layer needs to be displayed or not.  


  • jumpToSettings: A boolean value to determine whether the consent layer displayed will automatically lead to the page where a more granular control over the consents given by the users, allowing them to fine tune their choices (when set to true) or the initial default screen with the buttons (when set to false or suppressed).
  • completion: A closure called when the operation completes, with the result, either true or false.

Returns: None


cmpManager.checkAndOpen { result ->
    result.onSuccess {
	    toastMessage = "Check and Open Consent Layer operation done successfully."
    }.onFailure { error ->
    	toastMessage = "Check and Open Consent Layer operation failed with error: $error"



  • jumpToSettings: A boolean value to determine whether the consent layer displayed will automatically lead to the page where a more granular control over the consents given by the users, allowing them to fine tune their choices (when set to true) or the initial default screen with the buttons (when set to false or suppressed).
  • completion: A closure called when the operation completes, returning either a sucess or an error. 

Returns: None


cmpManager.openConsentLayer { result ->
	result.onFailure { error ->
    	toastMessage = "Error: ${error.message}"


Exports the current consent information stored on the device as a string. This method retrieves the consent string from the SharedPreferences area of the device, and returns it. Usually this information is passed to the importCMPInfo method.

Returns: String - The exported consent information


val cmpInfo = CMPManager.shared.exportCMPInfo()
Log.d("Exported CMP info: \(cmpInfo)")


Seamlessly integrates with Consent Mode, a Google technology that enables conversion and analytics modeling, allowing Google's services to fill in data gaps when users do not consent. This function translates the user's consent from your CMP into a format that Firebase Analytics can understand, so you can simply get the return of this method and pass it along to Firebase .setConsent method.

  • It then updates Google Analytics with the user's current consent status.


  • None

Returns: Map<String, String> - An key value array with the four Google Consent Mode keys: .analyticsStorage, .adStorage, .adUserData and .adPersonalization, and their respective values in terms of .choiceDoesntExist, .granted or .denied.


val settings = cmpManager.getGoogleConsentModeStatus()
Log.d("CMPDemo", "Google Consent Mode Settings: $settings")
toastMessage = buildString {
  append("Google Consent Settings:")
  settings.forEach { (key, value) ->
	  append("\n$key: $value")



  • id: String - The ID of the purpose to check

Returns: UniqueConsentStatus - An enum with the values .choiceDoesntExist if no consent was given, .granted or .denied.


val purposeStatus = cmpManager.getStatusForPurpose("c53")
var message = "Vendor s2789's status: "
switch purposeStatus {
   	case .choiceDoesntExist: message += "No Choice"
    case .granted: message += "Granted"
    case .denied: message += "Denied"
    @unknown default: message += "No Choice"



  • id: String - The ID of the purpose to check

Returns: UniqueConsentStatus - An enum with the values .choiceDoesntExist if no consent was given, .granted or .denied.


val vendorStatus = cmpManager.getStatusForVendor("s2789")
var message = "Vendor s2789's status: "
switch vendorStatus {
   	case .choiceDoesntExist: message += "No Choice"
    case .granted: message += "Granted"
    case .denied: message += "Denied"
    @unknown default: message += "No Choice"




  • completion: A closure called when the operation completes, returning failure or success.

Returns: None


cmpManager.acceptAll { result ->
    result.onSuccess {
	    toastMessage = "All consents accepted"
  	}.onFailure { error ->
		toastMessage = "Error: ${error.message}"



  • purposes: List<String> - A list of purpose IDs to accept
  • updatePurpose: Boolean - Whether to update related purposes
  • completion: A closure called when the operation completes, returning either a failure or a success

Returns: None


cmpManager.acceptPurposes(listOf("c52", "c53"), true) { result ->
	  	result.onSuccess {
	  	toastMessage = "Purposes enabled"
  	}.onFailure { error ->
  		toastMessage = "Error: ${error.message}"



  • vendors: List<String> - A list of of vendor IDs to accept
  • completion: A closure called when the operation completes

Returns: None


cmpManager.acceptVendors(listOf("s2790", "s2791")) { result ->
	result.onSuccess {
		toastMessage = "Vendors Enabled"
	}.onFailure { error ->
		toastMessage = "Error: ${error.message}"



  • cmpString: String - The CMP string to import
  • completion: A closure called when the operation completes, returning either a failure or success

Returns: None


cmpManager.importCMPInfo(cmpString) { result ->
	result.onSuccess {
		toastMessage = "Vendors Enabled"
	}.onFailure { error ->
		toastMessage = "Error: ${error.message}"



  • completion: A closure called when the operation completes

Returns: None


cmpManager.rejectAll { result ->
	result.onSuccess {
		toastMessage = "All consents rejected"
	}.onFailure { error ->
		toastMessage = "Error: ${error.message}"



  • purposes: List<String> - A list of purpose IDs to reject
  • updateVendor: Boolean - Whether to update related vendors
  • completion: A closure called when the operation completes

Returns: None


cmpManager.rejectPurposes(listOf("c52", "c53"), true) { result ->
    result.onSuccess {
      toastMessage = "Purposes disabled"
    }.onFailure { error ->
      toastMessage = "Error: ${error.message}"



  • vendors: List<String> - A list of vendor IDs to reject
  • completion: A closure called when the operation completes, returning either a failure or a success

Returns: None


cmpManager.rejectVendors(listOf("s2790", "s2791")) { result ->
	result.onSuccess {
		toastMessage = "Vendors Disabled"
	}.onFailure { error ->
		toastMessage = "Error: ${error.message}"




Returns: None



CMPManagerDelegate events


The SDK provides a flexible link handling mechanism that allows applications to customize how URLs within the consent layer are handled. By default, all links open within the WebView, but applications can intercept specific URLs to handle them externally when needed.

        cmpManager.setOnClickLinkCallback { url ->
            if (url.contains("")) {
                // Open Google URLs in external browser
                try {
                    startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)))
                    true // Return true to indicate we handled the URL
                } catch (e: Exception) {
                    Log.e("DemoApp", "Error opening URL: $url", e)
            } else {
                // Let other URLs load in the WebView

didReceiveConsent(consent: String, jsonObject: Map<String, Any>)

This is triggered when the consent layer was closed after the user updating his/her consents OR when invoking methods that cause changes in the consents, like acceptAll, rejectAll, acceptVendors, rejectVendors, etc. It means that the user accepted of rejected some of all of the consents, and that those were correctly saved in the device.


This is triggered when the consent layer was actually displayed. It means that there was not a consent valid in the device, so a new one should be collected.


This is triggered when the SDK checked the need for a consent, but it was not needed and the layer was not displayed. It means that there is already a valid in the device, so a new one is not necessary and tue consent layer will not be displayed.


This is triggered when the SDK faced any error, returning its code.

Deprecated Methods

All of the methods below were deprecated and will be completely removed from the SDK from July/2025 on. 



  • completion: (Boolean) -> Unit - A closure called with the result, either true or false.

Returns: None


cmpManager.checkIfConsentIsRequired { needsConsent ->
	toastMessage = "Needs Consent: $needsConsent"


Checks with the server if consent is required and opens the consent layer if necessary. This will make a network call to our servers via the WebView created inside our SDK, consuming one pageview in the process. This network call will send a message to our backend via JavaScript, whih will detect whether the device has a valid consent or not, which will in turn determine whether the consent layer needs to be displayed or not.  


  • completion: A closure called when the operation completes, with the result, either true or false.

Returns: None


cmpManager.checkWithServerAndOpenIfNecessary { result ->
    result.onSuccess {
	    toastMessage = "Check and Open Consent Layer operation done successfully."
    }.onFailure { error ->
    	toastMessage = "Check and Open Consent Layer operation failed with error: $error"


Retrieves all purpose IDs stored on the device, according to the CMP configurations. This information will only be up-to-date after the consent is properly persisted in the SharedPreferences area, so if you're checking right after using methods that trigger changes in the consent like openConsentLayer, acceptAll or rejectAll, for example, then wait until the callback from those methods is triggered before accessing the method hasUserChoice, to make sure that the information is up-to-date.

Returns: List<String> - A list of all purpose IDs


val allPurposes = cmpManager.getAllPurposesIDs()
Log.d("All purposes: \(allPurposes)")


Retrieves all vendor IDs stored on the device, according to the CMP configurations. This information will only be up-to-date after the consent is properly persisted in the SharedPreferences area, so if you're checking right after using methods that trigger changes in the consent like openConsentLayer, acceptAll or rejectAll, for example, then wait until the callback from those methods is triggered before accessing the method hasUserChoice, to make sure that the information is up-to-date.

Returns: List<String> - A list of all vendor IDs


val allVendors = cmpManager.getAllVendorsIDs()
Log.d("All vendors: \(allVendors)")


Retrieves the IDs of all disabled purposes stored on the device, according to the CMP configurations and the user choices. If the user accepts all the consents, this will be empty.  This information will only be up-to-date after the consent is properly persisted in the SharedPreferences area, so if you're checking right after using methods that trigger changes in the consent like openConsentLayer, acceptAll or rejectAll, for example, then wait until the callback from those methods is triggered before accessing the method hasUserChoice, to make sure that the information is up-to-date.

Returns: List<String> - A list of disabled purpose IDs


val disabledPurposes = cmpManager.getDisabledPurposesIDs()
Log.d("Disabled purposes: \(disabledPurposes)")


Retrieves the IDs of all disabled vendors stored on the device, according to the CMP configurations. If the user accepts all the consents, this will be empty. This information will only be up-to-date after the consent is properly persisted in the SharedPreferences area, so if you're checking right after using methods that trigger changes in the consent like openConsentLayer, acceptAll or rejectAll, for example, then wait until the callback from those methods is triggered before accessing the method hasUserChoice, to make sure that the information is up-to-date.

Returns: List<String> - A list of disabled vendor IDs


val disabledVendors = CMPManager.shared.getDisabledVendorsIDs()
Log.d("Disabled vendors: \(disabledVendors)")


Retrieves the IDs of all enabled purposes stored on the device, according to the CMP configurations. If the user rejects all the consents, this will be empty. This information will only be up-to-date after the consent is properly persisted in the SharedPreferences area, so if you're checking right after using methods that trigger changes in the consent like openConsentLayer, acceptAll or rejectAll, for example, then wait until the callback from those methods is triggered before accessing the method hasUserChoice, to make sure that the information is up-to-date.

Returns: List<String> - A list of enabled purpose IDs


val enabledPurposes = cmpManager.getEnabledPurposesIDs()
Log.d("Enabled purposes: \(enabledPurposes)")


Retrieves the IDs of all enabled vendors stored on the device. If the user rejects all the consents, this will be empty. This information will only be up-to-date after the consent is properly persisted in the SharedPreferences area, so if you're checking right after using methods that trigger changes in the consent like openConsentLayer, acceptAll or rejectAll, for example, then wait until the callback from those methods is triggered before accessing the method hasUserChoice, to make sure that the information is up-to-date.

Returns: List<String> - A list of enabled vendor IDs


val enabledVendors = cmpManager.getEnabledVendorsIDs()
Log.d("Enabled vendors: \(enabledVendors)")



  • id: String - The ID of the purpose to check

Returns: Boolean - True if consent is given, false otherwise


val hasPurposeConsent = cmpManager.hasPurposeConsent(id: "c53")
Log.d("Has consent for purpose c53: \(hasPurposeConsent)")


Checks if the user has made a choice regarding consents and this consent is stored on the device. It means that the user either accepted all consents, rejected all of them, or made a mixed choice of rejected and accepted consents, depending on the CMP design, which might allow the users to allow some of the consents and reject others. This information will only be up-to-date after the consent is properly persisted in the SharedPreferences area, so if you're checking right after using methods that trigger changes in the consent like openConsentLayer, acceptAll or rejectAll, for example, then wait until the callback from those methods is triggered before accessing the method hasUserChoice, to make sure that the information is up-to-date.

Returns: Boolean - true if the user has made a choice, false otherwise


val hasChoice = cmpManager.hasUserChoice()
print("User has made a choice: \(hasChoice)")



  • id: String - The ID of the vendor to check

Returns: Boolean - True if consent is given, false otherwise


val hasVendorConsent = cmpManager.hasVendorConsent(id: "s2789")
Log.d("Has consent for vendor s2789: \(hasVendorConsent)")



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